Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Spring Forward with Organization, Sponsored by Wayfair

Do you guys want to see something scary?

This is real life in my house lately. I took this photo with my phone when Wayfair and I started chatting about organizing for Spring. Note the pile of Winter gear. Note the unreasonable amount of shoes gathered at our doorway. Note the pot of dying/dead plants. Note the duct taped basketball hoop in our entryway. This situation up in the Light household, well, it's not been ideal when one likes to open and close your front door without issues. My husband and I have long been talking about providing some sort of relief for our lack of organization but often thought back to the coat rack we had when we first start living together. That bad Larry fell over if more than two coats were on it... and now there are four humans living in our home now.

In the spirit of Springing forward with organization, we thought that we should do some sort of mudroom organizing piece, since I know that Wayfair does carry a ton. While everyone has been removing things from their home that don't spark joy, I'd just like to get our stuff in order. We knew we wanted something clean, sleek but most importantly, something that was super functional for our family. There were a couple of options, like this Wesson Wide Hall Tree and Ottoman Hall Tree but we landed on this unit, for the extra shoe storage, can you blame me? My husband spent the better part of a Sunday putting it together and I couldn't wait to get our business all up on it... and you know what else I realized in the process? This baby provides me more space for PLANTS! Take a look at the end result!

Spring cleaning is going to be so much easier, now that I have our entry way cleared up. I'm not kidding. This one piece has solved a multitude of our issues. We've got a place for the kids to take their shoes off and learn that there's a place for them. It's been nice to direct Wes to put his shoes in a cubby, and guess what? It's already stuck and he's been automatically helping out. We hang our coats up and everything is kept off of the floor. We're like a brand new family-- one that has nice home decor... now to keep it that way!

Check out Wayfair's Storage options if you're looking to get on the organization train this Spring!

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