Monday, October 15, 2018

Give a SH*T, Please + a GIVEAWAY

I met Ashlee Piper at WELL Summit last week.To say that I was smitten would be an understatement. She's no doubt funny but more importantly, smart a f$&*ing whip. Her session on Mindfullness and Sustainability had me veeeeeery excited to purchase her book "Give a Sh*t- Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet" that I did it nearly immediately and off her person. I hadn't even read it yet but I knew that I would want to share it with you guys... so I bought two copies, one for me and one for a Prim and Propah reader (but more on that later). I know that it is up to us as individulal humas to make our personal and collective environments, better ones.

My mother and sister came up this weekend and I couldn't stop talking about the main points of Ashlee's presentation and all the nuggets of wisdom that I had gleaned from the book thus far. I told them it had to be a must read, added to their wishlists immediately. While I won't get too indepth as to our conversations surrounding the political climate, let's just say that we all agreed that channeling our energy into improving our footprint with our daily actions, is a good use of time. I've only gotten about half way through the book, which says a lot because when I sit down to read, I usually start falling asleep (#momlife) but that said, I couldn't wait to give you the opportunity to read it along with me. So to give you a quick rundown of what you're getting (beside real realness), it's a book broken down into chapters, Giving a sh!t in your home, in your kitchen, in your closet, in the mirror and in the wild... and I think that about covers all the areas that I feel I can try to control (barely) in my own little world. But just imagine if everyone gave a shit, right? Talk about the amount of change we could create.

I'm not going to lie, there are some tough topics in this book but to balance that out, these topics are of the utmost importance. There is a lot of humor in this book but with that humor comes some information that may shake the way that you view, the animal processing industry for instance. While I am sure that you are able to use your imagination, actually viewing a chart broken out into how animals are treated is, well, it's eye opening and also horrifying. But I have an open mind, and an open heart... and I believe you have the same, that's why you read my blog at this stage in time! So are you ready to give a sh*t? You can enter this giveaway on the Instagram post below hy just commenting on the one area you are looking to improve on in your life first and foremost... let's get real, then get real serious about fixing our world.

✨GIVEAWAY✨ Happy Monday my loves! Today starts a month worth of book giveaways because I just feel like showering you guys with love and gifts, you know? @ashleepiper's new book "Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet" was a recent @wellsummit discovery and to say that I am smitten as a kitten would be an understatement. I wrote a quick blog post (link in profile) about meeting Ashlee last weekend (and subsequently girl crushing), about the book, a little teaser and some recent conversations but if you want to save all your reading for the actual book, you can just stay here to enter to win a signed copy for yourself plus a brand new “create calm” journal to start saving the planet in an organized fashion! To enter: Follow @ashleepiper + @primandpropah Good juju and extra entries, tag some booklovin' friends who want to make the world a better place! *This contest is not affiliated with instagram-- your girl bought the book for you herself because I just wanted to share the good stuff with you! I'll choose a winner at random on Friday evening 10/19 #propahreads #wellsummittribe
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Didn't want to wait to win? You can purchase Ashlee Piper's book on Amazon or where other books or sold or maybe if you see her in person out in the wild, she'll have a copy you can buy off of her--- or hey, supporting your local library is awesome too-- see? no excuses!

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