I don't generally write a weekend recap or give you all the deets on what would seem like a regular ol' day but I was SO proud of our last Saturday.... seriously! As a Mom, it's always about planning. Sometimes you make plans and nothing goes right. Sometimes, an not as often, you make plans and those plans work out wonderfully... and that was this past weekend. On Saturday, we popped the kid in the car and make the hour and a half ride to
the Big E in Western MA. I hadn't been since I was in college and the man and child hadn't been ever. We didn't really know what we were in for but we did end up having was THE BEST TIME. We spent the majority of our day in the area where the childrens' rides and food trucks were and that was fine by us. We spent a lot of money on those little pink tickets but every single penny was worth the excitement on this cute little kid's face. Here are some snaps from our really memorable day. The Propah Toddlah is STILL talking about the (creepy) singing bears!

He rode a total of a million rides, some of them multiple times. He's not even 2 1/2 but he sure is tall enough to ride most of the rides at the "Kid Corral". He took turns on the jeeps, the motor cycles, the boats and the construction trucks with Dad but his absolute favorite was the train. He LOVES to watch the commuter rail go by so riding on a "choo choo" was like living his lifelong dream. He had his first eclair, which he and Mom housed while Dad was getting a beer... we didn't even have to share with him!
Have you ever had one of those days that you couldn't be happier with the outcome? That was our Saturday!
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